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Home > Auction >  Fine Chinese Paintings >  Lot.162 TANG YIN   (follower of, 1470 – 1524) Landscape ink on paper, hand scroll one artist seal, three inscription seals, twelve collectors’ seals, inscriptions by Wen Zhengming (1470 - 1559) and Shi Jian (1434 – 1496) 252.5 x 31cm.

LOT 162 TANG YIN   (follower of, 1470 – 1524) Landscape ink on paper, hand scroll one artist seal, three inscription seals, twelve collectors’ seals, inscriptions by Wen Zhengming (1470 - 1559) and Shi Jian (1434 – 1496) 252.5 x 31cm.

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Chiswick Auctions

Fine Chinese Paintings

Chiswick Auctions




Translation provided by Youdao



Description: TANG YIN (follower of, 1470 – 1524) Landscape ink on paper, hand scroll one artist seal, three inscription seals, twelve collectors’ seals, inscriptions by Wen Zhengming (1470 - 1559) and Shi Jian (1434 – 1496) 252.5 x 31cm. 唐寅(傳) 太湖西岸圖 款識:太湖西岸景蕭踈 竹山外旋碧玉螺 明月一天風滿地 來人秋意不須多 草閣金秋倚晚晴 雲山滿目夕陽明 詩成喜有相過客 識取漁梁拄杖聲 唐寅畫 鈐印:「唐寅私印」 題跋: 伯虎先生於繪事 好棒喝禪宗語默 畫是生機 解者了了 不僅以慧業才人中求也 此卷之其色空並說 具法眼者當望而下拜 松陵史鑑 鈐印:「史鑑之章」「朙古氏」「牧翁」「史爾鉉印」「鼎玉氏」「明古珍藏」「子孫寶之」「認菴」「月到三心□」「史氏日鑒堂藏」「史鼎玉印」「爾鉉」 久羨□門渔 岙樓語水湾 琴張邪竹下 書讀好花官 庭草傷人缘 窗翕伴我閒 山居無一事 雙戶日長開 □崖瀉流深 白雪在窓戶 松籟奏笙篁 鳥林散輕霧 巡塘漁唱岙 村詹田家露 羨彼山中人 兀坐匡廬下題 唐子畏山水□後 徵明 鈐印:「停雲」「文徵明」「衡山」 Notes: Fine Asian Paintings




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Other Lots in this session 107unit
DONG QICHANG    (follower of, 1555 – 1636) WANG CHEN Landscape              ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Xuan Zai and Wang Chen, with six seals 97 x 40.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the

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ANONYMOUS Hu’er Mountain ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll 166.5 x 39.5cm. 佚名 呼兒山 設色絹本   立軸 款識:呼兒山

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ZHU YUNJING   (attributed to, 1696 – 1767) Landscape ink and colour on paper, hand scroll, signed Xunyuanzi, with one artist seal, two inscription seal and one collector seal, dated Qianlong Wuyin (1758). 349 x 14.5cm. Provenance: Christie’s

LOT 137

WANG YU   (attributed to, 1714 – 1748) Landscape ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Dongzhuang Wang Yu, dated Qianlong Renshen (1752), with four seals of the artist 131.5 x 35.5cm. 王昱(傳)    山水圖 設色紙本

LOT 138

TANG HUI   (attributed to) Watery Landscape. ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Baixia Wenyu Tang Ding, dated guiwei, with one seal of the artist 104.5 x 50.5cm. 湯慧(傳)   山水圖 設色紙本  立軸 款識:松豀高逸

LOT 139

NI ZAN   (attributed to, 1301 – 1374) Landscape ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Lanzan, with several seals 24.5 x 33; 70.5 x 33cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s. 倪瓚(傳)

LOT 140

WANG HENG Landscape ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Loudong Wang Heng, with two seals of artist 89 x 47cm. 王蘅   山水圖 設色紙本   立軸 款識:摹南田老人法 婁東王蘅寫於滬上 鈐印:「杜鄰畫記」「縻谿逸史」 卷軸:王蘅先生紙本山水屏

LOT 141

JIANG ESHI   (1913 – 1972) Landscape ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Qingshuang, dated Yiwei (1955) 87.5 x 38cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s. 蔣諤士   山水圖 水墨紙本

LOT 142

TANG YIN   (follower of, 1470 – 1524) Landscape ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Tang Yin, with one seal of the artist and two collector’s seals 142 x 61cm. 唐寅(傳)   山石圖 設色紙本   立軸

LOT 143

DA CHONGGUANG   (follower of, 1623 – 1692) Landscape ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Jiangshang Waishi, with one seal of the artist and a collector’s seal 91.5 x 39.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the

LOT 144

ANONYMOUS Landscape ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll 123 x 43cm. 佚名   山石人物圖 設色絹本   立軸

LOT 145

WANG SU   (follower of, 1794 – 1877) Snowy Landscape ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Xiaomou Wang Su, with one seal of the artist 85.5 x 46.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s.

LOT 146

WEN ZHENGMING    (follower of, 1470 – 1559) Landscape ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Zhengming, with one seal of the artist, dated Jiajing Wushen (1548) 76 x 27.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in

LOT 147

GAO JIAN   (attributed to, 1634–1707) Landscape ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Jian, with two seals of the artist 111 x 27.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s.

LOT 148

ZOU DAYA   (attributed to, 1916 – 1974) Landscape ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Daya, with two seals of the artist 84 x 31.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s.

LOT 149

ZHANG QIANYING   (1909 – 2003) Radishes ink and colour on paper, framed signed Qianying, with one seal of artist 76 x 21cm. 張蒨英   蘿蔔 設色紙本   鏡框 款識:蒨英寫 鈴印:「張」

LOT 150

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