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Home > Auction >  Fine Chinese Paintings >  Lot.55 WANG CONG   (attributed to, 1494 – 1533) Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper, unmounted painting signed Wang Cong, dated dinghai (1527) 31 x 29cm. 王寵(傳)    書法 水墨紙本   冊頁 款識:秋聲賦

LOT 55 WANG CONG   (attributed to, 1494 – 1533) Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper, unmounted painting signed Wang Cong, dated dinghai (1527) 31 x 29cm. 王寵(傳)    書法 水墨紙本   冊頁 款識:秋聲賦

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Chiswick Auctions

Fine Chinese Paintings

Chiswick Auctions




Translation provided by Youdao




WANG CONG (attributed to, 1494 – 1533) Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper, unmounted painting signed Wang Cong, dated dinghai (1527) 31 x 29cm. 王寵(傳) 書法 水墨紙本 冊頁 款識:秋聲賦 歐陽子方夜讀書,聞有聲自西南來者,悚然而聽之,曰:“異哉!”初浙瀝以蕭颯,忽奔騰而砰湃,如波濤夜驚,風雨驟至。其觸於物也,鏦鏦錚錚,金鐵皆鳴;又如赴敵之兵,銜枚疾走,不聞號令,但聞人馬之行聲。予謂童子:“此何聲也?汝出視之。”童子曰:“星月皎潔,明河在天,四無人聲,聲在樹間。” 予曰:“噫嘻悲哉!此秋聲也,胡為而來哉?蓋夫秋之為狀也:其色慘淡,煙霏雲斂;其容清明,天高日晶;其氣栗冽,砭人肌骨;其意蕭條,山川寂寥。故其為聲也,淒淒切切,呼號憤發。豐草綠縟而爭茂,佳木蔥蘢而可悅;草拂之而色變,木遭之而葉脫。其所以摧敗零落者,乃其壹氣之余烈。夫秋,刑官也,於時為陰;又兵象也,於行用金,是謂天地之義氣,常以肅殺而為心。天之於物,春生秋實,故其在樂也,商聲主西方之音,夷則為七月之律。商,傷也,物既老而悲傷;夷,戮也,物過盛而當殺。” “嗟乎!草木無情,有時飄零。人為動物,惟物之靈;百憂感其心,萬事勞其形;有動於中,必搖其精。而況思其力之所不及,憂其智之所不能;宜其渥然丹者為槁木,黟然黑者為星星。奈何以非金石之質,欲與草木而爭榮?念誰為之戕賊,亦何恨乎秋聲!” 童子莫對,垂頭而睡。但聞四壁蟲聲唧唧,如助予之嘆息。 丁亥十月廿又九日雅宜山人王寵。 鈐印:「壽道人」「牧齋」「王寵私印」 簽條:明 雅宜山人小楷書秋聲賦 宋仁宗嘉右四年秋歐陽修作此賦也 時年五十三歲




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Other Lots in this session 56unit
ZHANG ZHAOXIANG   (1874 – 1922) Peonies and Narcissus Flowers Chinese ink and colour on silk, painting mounted within a lacquer screen signed Zhang Zhaoxiang and cylindrically dated Dingmo (1907) 52 x 10cm. 張兆祥   牡丹水仙圖


PU RU (attributed to, 1896 – 1963) Butterflies Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Pu Ru, with two seals of the artist 63 x 31cm. 溥儒(傳)   蝴蝶 設色紙本   立軸 款識:深苑梨花月,空庭竹葉秋。何來雙蛺蝶,栩栩此淹留。 鈐印:「心畬」「溥儒之印」

LOT 10

YU FEI’AN   (1888 – 1959) Magnolia Flowers Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Fei’an, with three seals 91 x 43cm. 於非闇   花鳥圖 設色紙本   立軸 <一>

LOT 11

BIAN SHOUMIN   (attributed to, 1684 – 1752) Geese and Sea Creatures Chinese ink on paper, album of paintings, blue silk box signed Bian Shoumin, dated Qianlong guihai (1743), with twelve seals of the artist and nine collectors’ seals 36 x 26cm.

LOT 12

WU HUFAN   (1894 – 1968) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, fan leaf painting 52 x 17cm 吳湖帆   山水圖 設色紙本   扇面 款識:吳湖帆 鈐印:「倩庵」

LOT 13

WEN BOREN         (follower of, 1502 – 1575) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, album leaf painting 26 x 31.5cm. Provenance: Collection of Brian Morgan (1930 – 2018), formally a director of Bluetts. 文伯仁(傳)   山水

LOT 14

SHEN ZHOU   (1427 – 1509) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, framed painting 56 x 71cm. Provenance: Gulbenkian Durham museum [label]. The Gulbenkian Museum is an important collection of Chinese art within the UK. Museum records confirm that the

LOT 15

HUANG BINHONG   (1865 – 1955) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, hanging scroll painting 67 x 29cm. 黃賓虹   山水 水墨紙本   立軸 款識:漫言无佛 自称尊天上星辰 手可扪下界龙蛇 窥未蛰 故园松鞠喜犹存 御风列子论今古 缩地仙翁忘晓昏 十载相思千星月 飞云南朔淡留痕。  南归一首 用余空我词兄见赠元韵 声远先生方家属粲  八十五叟宾虹 鈐印:「黃賓虹」

LOT 16

SONG WENZHI   (1919 – 1999) Watery Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Wenzhi, with three seals of the artist 44 x 70cm. 宋文治   山水圖 設色紙本   立軸 款識:蜀江曉行圖 乙醜金秋於北京 婁江文治寫 鈐印:「文治」「宋灝之印」「八十年代」

LOT 17

FENG SIZUO Landscape Chinese ink on paper, framed painting 133 x 49cm. 馮斯佐   山水 水墨紙本   玻璃鏡框 款識:樵□ 盤天世路□ 冷人誰把熱腸看 嶺□ 笑道無冰雪 五月披裘徹骨寒 嶺南廣州無雪少耳飛

LOT 18

JIANG ESHI   (1913 – 1972) Landscape ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Qingshuang, dated Yiwei (1955) 87.5 x 38cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s. 蔣諤士   山水圖 水墨紙本

LOT 19

ZHAO YUNHE   (1874 – 1955) Flowers Chinese ink and colour on paper, four hanging scroll paintings 151 x 41cm. (4) 趙雲壑   花卉圖 設色紙本   立軸四幅 <一>  款識:湘娥冤魂啼枯竹 湘濤漬渙頗黎綠


QIAN DU    (attributed to, 1764 – 1844) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Qian Du, with one seal of the artist 106 x 33cm. Provenance: London private collection. 錢杜(傳)   山水 設色紙本

LOT 20

GAO QIPEI   (follower of, 1660 – 1734) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Qieyuan, with several seals 104.5 x 31.5cm. Provenance: London private collection. 高其佩(傳)   且園 水墨紙本   立軸


WEN ZHENGMING   (attributed to, 1470 – 1559) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hand scroll painitng signed Zhenming, with frontispiece and five colophons, 27 x 117cm. 文徵明 (傳)   山水 設色紙本 手卷

LOT 21

QIU YING   (follower of, 1494 – 1552) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on silk, hand scroll painting signed Qiu Ying, frontispiece and colophon 110 x 35cm; 697 x 34.5cm; total length 132 x 35cm. 仇英(傳)   清明上河圖

LOT 22

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