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LOT 62 Hu Xigui “The lad play” painting

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The Great Value Auctions

Early autumn Asian Antique & Art, Painting

The Great Value Auctions




Translation provided by Youdao



胡锡硅 童子嬉戏图 : 纸本 扇面 设色 镜心:拍品尺寸:64x 35cm. 胡锡珪(1839-1883)初名文,字三桥,号盘溪外史、红茵生、红茵馆主,室名盘溪小筑、红茵馆。江苏苏州人。布衣,长居吴下。幼习丹青,夙根早慧,涉笔便有韵致。及长,便学诸家之法,于恽寿平、华新罗、李复堂、改七芗用力更多。最善没骨人物,笔墨生动,时罕其匹。光绪年间,与吴江陆廉夫、安吉吴昌硕、同里顾若波、顾西津切磋吴门,诗画唱酬,堪称一时风雅。 艺术成就:吴昌硕盛赞其花卉人物“精细如发而笔锋劲厉”,惜“善病工愁”,天不假年,中岁而殁。工书画,人物师扬州华新罗、凇江改七芗,用笔秀逸能变,施墨淡而有味,配景松茸而雅,仕女得静娴淑丽之致,于七芗不遑多让。善以阔笔作没骨戏曲人物,上承宋人梁楷、石恪之余绪,下启今人关良、韩羽之新端,水晕墨章,栩栩如生。花卉竹石取法华新罗、恽南田,大写意处参酌兴化李复堂,松秀飘逸,纯以笔胜,墨气流动,奔放淋漓。 传世作品有同治十三年(1874)作《元宵儿戏图》轴,图录于《中国现代名画》;光绪八年(1882)作《新装图》轴,图录于《名人书画集》;《元日钟馗图》轴,现藏故宫博物院。------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hu Xigui “The lad play” painting: paper fan color mirror center: lot size: 64x 35cm. Hu xi-gui (1839-1883) is named wen in the beginning, zi SAN qiao, no. Jiangsu Suzhou people. Cloth, long wu xia. Early xi danqing, early wisdom, will have charm. And long, will learn the law, in Yun shouping, hua xinluo, li futang, change seven xiang more. The most good no bone figure, vivid ink, rare. Guangxu years, and wu jiang lu lianfu, anji wu changshuo, tongli gu ruobo, gu xijin exchange wu door, poetry and painting, can be called a moment of elegance. Artistic achievements: wu changshuo praised his flower figures as "delicate as hair and sharp as a pen", and cherished "good illness and work worries". Work calligraphy and painting, figure division Yangzhou huaxinuo, songjiang change seven xiang, with the pen xiuyi can change, shi mo light and taste, with matsutake and elegant, ladies get jing xian shu li to, in seven xiang not quickly. Good to a wide pen for no bone opera characters, on the song Liang kai, shi ke of the yu xu, kai jin guan liang, han yu of the new end, water halo ink chapter, lifelike. Based on huaxinluo and yun nantian of flowers and bamboo stone, yun xianyi has reached xinghua lifutang, songxiu elegant, pure with pen and ink flowing freely and unrestrained. His works are handed down from generation to generation, including "yuanxiao children's play" scroll in the 13th year of tongzhi (1874), which was recorded in "famous modern Chinese paintings". In the eighth year of guangxu dynasty (1882), he made the axis of "new assembly drawings", which was recorded in "celebrity paintings and calligraphy collection". The scroll of yuan ri zhong kui is now in the Palace Museum.



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