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LOT 65 Yang Shan-shen Chinese Painting

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Early autumn Asian Antique & Art, Painting

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杨善深 葫芦花卉图: 纸本 设色 挂轴: Size:48x98cm 钤印:杨(朱文) 题识:AAAAAAAAA 拍品来源:北美洲华裔书画藏家 珍藏。 杨善深(1913年10月26日--2004年5月15日),字柳斋,广东省台山县赤溪镇客家人。他自幼酷爱绘画,12岁开始临摹古画。1935年留学日本,在京都堂本美术专科学校攻读美术,1938年回国,于香港兴办第一次个展。1940年赴新加坡、南洋举办画展。1941年与高剑父、冯康侯等人在澳门成立“协社”。1945年与高剑父、陈树人、赵少昂、关山月、黎葛民五人在广州成立“今社”。1949年定居香港。1958年于美国纽约、三藩市、檀香山等地举办个展。1970年于香港成立春风画会,传授画艺,并于同年获台湾学术研究所颁赠哲士衔。1971年,游历世界十多个国家,1972年始,多次回大陆于名山胜水写生作画。1983年于日本东京、大阪举办个展。擅长中国画。兼长山水、花鸟、人物。作品有《秋山旅行》、《十二生肖》、《人物册页》等。出版有《杨善深画集》多种。 1941年移居澳门,与高剑父、冯康侯等人成立“协社”,举办义展,为难童筹款。1945年与高剑父、陈树人、赵少昂、关山月、黎葛民等人创办“今社画会”,同年在广东石岐市举办个人画展。1947年与赵少昂举办合作画展,1948年应广东省立民众教育之邀,与高剑父、陈树人、赵少昂、关山月、黎葛民一起,在中山图书馆举办六人作品联展。1955年在新加坡举办个人画展,1959年先后在美国纽约、三藩市、檀香山及加拿大温哥华等地举办个人画展,1973年起又先后在新加坡、香港、日本东京、大阪等地举办个人画展,1983年与赵少昂、关山月、黎雄才一起举办四人合作画展,1984年与关月山一起应邀访问美国,并在德州大学、纽约城市大学、哈佛大学、加州柏克莱大学讲学。出版画册多种。创作中西兼取,注重写生,在继承“岭南画派”优良传统的基础上另辟途径,形成了鲜明的个人风格,成为当代“岭南画派”主要代表画家。作品构思新颖,笔墨凝练,巧拙互用,雄放而不失秀雅,以花鸟、走兽见长,人物亦自具特色。 1999年,杨善深获香港艺术发展局颁发视艺成就奖。2000年,广州艺术博物院杨善深艺术馆落成开幕,广州市政府颁授杨善深“广州市荣誉市民”称号。2001年,杨善深创作巨幅老松《万古常青》赠予人民大会堂。 2004年5月15日,岭南画派大师杨善深在香港半山宝珊道寓所去世,享年91岁。 作品有《秋山旅行》、《十二生肖》、《人物册页》等 。 出版有《杨善深画集》多种 。--------------------------------------------- Yang shanshen gourd flowers map: paper color hanging scroll: Size:48x98cm stamp: Yang (zhu wen) title: AAAAAAAAA source: Chinese painting and calligraphy collectors in North America. Yang Shanshen (October 26, 1913 -- May 15, 2004), styled liuzhai, was a hakka in chixi town, Taishan county, guangdong province. He was fond of painting since his childhood and began to copy ancient paintings at the age of 12. In 1935, he studied art in Kyoto tanamoto art college. In 1938, he returned to China and held his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. In 1940, he went to Singapore and nanyang to hold exhibitions. In 1941, he established "association" with Gao jianfu, feng kanghou and others in Macao. In 1945, he and Gao jianfu, Chen shuren, zhao shao-ang, guan shanyue and li ge-min set up "jinshe" in guangzhou. He settled in Hong Kong in 1949. In 1958, solo exhibitions were held in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu and other places. In 1970, the Spring Festival painting association was founded in Hong Kong to teach painting skills. In the same year, he was awarded the title of sage by Taiwan academic research institute. In 1971, he traveled to more than ten countries in the world. Since 1972, he has been back to the mainland for many times to sketch and paint in famous mountains and rivers. Held solo exhibitions in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan in 1983. Good at Chinese painting. And long landscape, flowers and birds, people. His works include a trip to akiyama, zodiac, man album, etc. There are many kinds of Yang shanshen's paintings published. In 1941, he moved to Macao and set up "association" with Gao jianfu, feng kanghou and others, held charity exhibitions and raised money for difficult children. In 1945, he founded the "jinshe painting association" with Gao jianfu, Chen shuren, zhao shao-ang, guan shanyue, li ge-min, etc. In the same year, he held a personal exhibition in shiqi, Guangdong. In 1947, he held a cooperative exhibition with zhao shaoang. In 1948, at the invitation of Guangdong provincial people's education, he held a joint exhibition of six people's works with Gao jianfu, Chen shuren, zhao shaoang, guan shanyue and li gerin in zhongshan library. Personal exhibition in Singapore in 1955, successively in the United States in 1959 in New York, San Francisco, and Honolulu personal exhibition in vancouver, Canada, etc, since 1973, and successively in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Osaka, a one-man show, in 1983 and chao shao-an, guan shanyue, Li Xiongcai exhibition held four cooperation together, together on and off the mountain 1984 were invited to visit the United States, and in the university of Texas, city university of New York, to give lectures at Harvard University, university of California, Berkeley. Published a variety of albums. Drawing from both Chinese and western styles, and paying attention to sketching, the artist inherited the fine tradition of "lingnan school of painting" and created a distinct personal style, becoming the main representative painter of "lingnan school of painting". The works are novel in conception, concise in brush and ink, clever and clumsy in mutual use, bold and unrestrained without losing elegance. In 1999, he was awarded the visual achievement award by the Hong Kong arts development council. In 2000, the Guangzhou art museum Yang shanshen art museum was completed and opened, and the Guangzhou municipal government awarded Yang shanshen the title of "honorary citizen of guangzhou". In 2001, Yang shanshen presented to the great hall of the people a giant painting of Lao song, evergreen. On 15 May 2004, lingnan master Yang shanshen died at his residence in Po shan road, mid-levels, Hong Kong. He was 91 years old. His works include a trip to akiyama, zodiac, man album, etc. There are many kinds of Yang shanshen's paintings published



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