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LOT 134 Blue and White Jade Carving of A Chimera, Bixie

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Early autumn Asian Antique & Art, Painting

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漢或以後 青白玉雕辟邪: 此辟邪玉色青白,局部受沁。雕作臥伏狀,雙目圓睜,張口露齒,頭上有角,上身雙翼略展,四肢彎曲屈於腹下,前足前屈,後足曲踞,作勢前躍,長尾下卷。整體造型生動,設計精巧,辟邪凜然之勢不可冒犯。参考资料:2016年6月2日,香港邦瀚斯将举行“中国瓷器及工艺精品”春季拍卖,玉辟邪拍卖;不同時期玉雕辟邪的形態特徵, 网址: 參看倫敦大英博物館藏何鴻卿爵士舊藏一件漢代青玉雕辟邪,著錄於J.Rawson,《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing》,倫敦,1995年,頁363,編號26:7。参考资料:漢辟邪是中國神話傳說中的一種形似獅而有翼的神獸。據傳說,它象徵著「仁」與「瑞」。 辟邪形象發生重大轉變是在唐朝,形象逐漸向獅子相近,而且開始寫實化。辟邪起源於原始宗教中的特怖符號,是禁忌的對象,與圖騰相對。關於辟邪的形態,說法不一,大多認為它是一種似獅、獨角或雙角,身有翅的獸,這與今所見六朝墓前石雕辟邪之形是一致的。其作用,顧名思義,應是辟邪祛凶。玉雕辟邪最早見於西漢時期,流行於東漢至南北朝,自宋以降歷代仍有製作。但論及製作成就最高者,當屬兩漢玉辟邪。漢代的辟邪脫胎於西域獅子,西漢玉辟邪具有獅子的特徵,形狀多為動態,或徐步慢行、或大步快行、或疾馳如飛,頗有虎氣;張口露齒、長聲嘶叫、雙翼振翅、長尾捲曲,栩栩如生。西漢玉辟邪多作匍匐或俯臥之態。東漢早期玉辟邪尚存西漢之遺風,亦作前進之姿,與西漢俯臥形辟邪接近,但頭部更加上昂,呈向天吼狀。東漢早期應為玉辟邪發展過程中,東漢風格真正形成前的過渡時期。東漢中、晚期的玉辟邪數量較多,且已形成了鮮明的時代風格,即多作蹲坐之態,造型較為溫順可愛,不具西漢者昂首挺立的氣勢。玉辟邪在漢代最為流行,六朝時期偶有雕琢,但與同時期精美絕倫的巨型石辟邪相比就顯得相形見絀。直到明清時期,玉辟邪還偶有製作,但由於避邪驅惡不再藉助辟邪之力,權作把玩之玉,故辟邪早期威嚴、兇猛的神情蕩然無存,徒有其形,未有其神,好像是一隻懶洋洋的「看門狗」。中國古代傳說中有許多人們想像中的動物,玉、石器中的這些神異怪獸便是依傳說演化而出的。辟邪便是極受人們崇敬、在雕塑作品中出現較多的怪獸,其製造往往受多種動物造型的影響。原文網址: -----------------------------------A blue and white jade carving of a chimera, bixie Han Dynasty or laterThe mythical beast in an aggressive stance ready to pounce, and jaws wide open, the muscular body framed by a pair of wings and with a bifurcated tail. Size: L: 6.8cm. H: 4.5cm, W: 3.3 cm, 94gram. Han or after the green and white jade carving evil spirits of this evil jade green and white, local by Qin. Carved for lying-like, eyes wide open, mouth exposed teeth, the head has a horn, upper body wings slightly stretched, bent limbs bent on the lower abdomen, forefoot flexion, hind foot Qu, as the former jump, long tail roll. The overall shape of vivid, exquisite design, evil spirits of the trend can not be offended. Reference: June 2, 2016, Hong Kong Bang Han Si will be held in the "Chinese porcelain and craft fine" spring auction, jade evil spirits auction; different periods of jade carving evil of the morphological characteristics, URL: https: // See also J.Rawson, "Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing", London, 1995, p. 363, p. 26: gn. 7. Reference: Han evil spirits is a Chinese mythology and legends of a lion and wing of the animal. According to legend, it symbolizes "benevolence" and "Rui". Evil evil image of a major change in the Tang Dynasty, the image gradually to the lion similar, and began to realistic. Deviation originated in the original religion of the special signs of terror, is the object of taboo, and totem relative. On the form of evil spirits, saying that it is a kind of like a lion, horn or double horn, wings of the beast, which is seen in the tomb of the Six Dynasties stone carving evil is consistent with the shape. Its role, as the name implies, should be evil spirits evil. Jade carving evil spirits first seen in the Western Han Dynasty, popular in the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, since the Song dynasty still production. But on the production of the highest achievements, was undoubtedly the two Han Yu evil spirits. The Han Dynasty's evil spirits born out of the Western Lions, the Western Han Dynasty evil spirits with a lion's character, the shape of more dynamic, or slow pace, or big step fast, or gallop, quite tiger; mouth exposed teeth, long screaming , Wings wings, long tail curl, lifelike. Western Han Dynasty jade evil for more creeping or prone to the state. The early Eastern Han Dynasty jade immortal legacy of the Western Han Dynasty legacy, but also for the forward posture, and the Western Han prone to evil spirits close, but the head is more on the Ang, was roar-like shape. The early period of the Eastern Han Dynasty should be the development of the process of development, the Eastern Han style really formed before the transition period. The Eastern Han Dynasty, the late number of jade evil spirits, and has formed a distinctive style of the times, that is, more for the squatting of the state, the shape is more gentle and cute, not the Western Han who stood tall momentum. Jade evil spirits in the Han Dynasty is the most popular, occasionally carved in the Six Dynasties period, but with the same period of exquisite giant stone waste evil compared to it dwarfs. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jade evil spirits are also occasional production, but because of evil spirits no longer with the power of evil spirits, the right to play the jade, so evil early majesty, ferocious look gone, only its shape, not its God is like a lazy watchdog. Ancient Chinese legend there are many people imagine the animals, jade, stone in these divine monsters are evolved according to legend. Evil spirits are extremely respected, in the sculpture appear more monsters, their manufacturing is often affected by a variety of animal modeling. Original URL: https: //



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