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LOT 291 民國 田鶴仙粉彩山水瓶A famille rose landscape vase by Tian H...

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Oakridge Auction Gallery

秋季重要中國古董·书画拍賣 ——— 中國古代瓷器、玉器及藝術品 一(及五個家族傳承無底價專題)

Oakridge Auction Gallery




Translation provided by Youdao


H: 15 1/8, Dia: 6 3/4 in. (H: 38.42, Dia: 17.15 cm.)


拍品介绍: With a long inscription and one seal to one side; landscape scene to the other. Two-character mark and previous sticker to underside.
尺寸:H: 15 1/8, Dia: 6 3/4 in. (H: 38.42, Dia: 17.15 cm.)
Provenance:Estate of Mr. Wen Tsan Yu. Mr. Yu was raised in China and studied at the University of Chicago and Harvard University, later becoming a professor at Peking University. His grandfather, Moy Toy Ni (Charlie Toy), came to the United States in the late 1800's and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The item had been in the family for more than 50 years. Kaminski Auction March 30th & 31st 2012, Lot- 7126.
来源:余文璨先生遺產。餘先生在中國長大,先後就讀於芝加哥大學和哈佛大學,後任北京大學教授。其祖父Charlie Toy於1800 年代後期來到美國,定居在密爾沃基。藏品在家族傳承超過50年。珂玟世紀2012年3月21日拍賣,編號7126.
Condition:Abrasions to body.
Tian Hexian (1894-1952) was from Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Primarily known for painting plum blossoms, Tian also excelled at painting landscapes. This vase has a delicate body, covered in rich white glaze, with a "Gu Yan" two-character red mark on the bottom. The exterior landscape illustration, painted in 1931, depicts a beautiful scene of mountains, flora, and with two men rafting on the river. The image is tranquil and cohesively composed. The inscribed poem comes from Shi Tao's painting "Yan Shu Zhang Cun Tu". Tian Hexian had a wide range of interests. He integrated his love of the natural world into his paintings, pairing them with poems and effectively creating an elegant union between literature and art.
Similar item from Beijing Poly, December 2019, Lot 5953; Beijing Council, Spring 2014, Lot 2820.
款識:棹歌江上不揚波,雲裏翩翩三雁過。客況難禁思故舊,如何煙樹漲村多。仿石田老人法,辛末小暑月隺仙田青寫於珠山。 鈐印:田青 田鶴仙(1894-1952),原名世青,後改爲青,號荒原老梅,浙江紹興人,齋名“古石齋”。田氏雖以畫梅著稱於世,然其自幼習譜臨畫,山水瓷畫功力亦極深厚。 本件拍品胎質細膩,白釉肥潤,底部落“古硯”二字紅款。此畫作於一九三一年,外壁通景繪青綠山水,近有灘頭青草蔓蔓,山間水聲潺潺,遠有奇峯聳立,若隱若現。江中二人泛舟而行,平添了幾分生氣。整個畫面清逸,層次豐富,疏密有致。墨彩所題詩句出自石濤的畫《煙樹漲村圖》。田鶴仙興趣廣泛,愛好自然山水奇石,並融入於其畫作之中,並喜配詩詞。其作品多爲詩畫結合,充滿文藝氣息和極高的觀賞性。本件拍品尺寸較大,可以參考北京保利2019年秋拍的一件梅花瓶。



Ashburn, VA, United States

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