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Home > Auction >  Asian Art >  Lot.2032 BÜSTE EINES BODHISATTVA. China. Östliche Wei-Dynastie. 6. Jh. Dichter, hellgrauer Kalkstein. Der

LOT 2032 BÜSTE EINES BODHISATTVA. China. Östliche Wei-Dynastie. 6. Jh. Dichter, hellgrauer Kalkstein. Der

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BÜSTE EINES BODHISATTVA. China. Östliche Wei-Dynastie. 6. Jh. Dichter, hellgrauer Kalkstein. Der Bodhisattva lehnt sich mit feinem, gelassenem Gesichtausdruck teilnehmend dem Betrachter zu. Die Figur ist in eine elegant plissierte Robe über ein dünneres Untergewand gekleidet und trägt eine schwere, reiche Kette von Perlenschmuck. Die aufwendige Frisur ist von einer Blattkrone bekrönt.Die sublim und meisterhaft geschnittene Büste des Bodhisattva ähnelt stilisitisch den buddhistischen Steinskulpturen, die 1996 in Qingzhou, Shandong Provinz auf dem Gebiet des antiken Longxing-Tempels entdeckt wurden. Erstaunlich an dieser Gruppe ist ihre Nähe zu Figuren der Gupta-Zeit (ca. 300-500) und der deutlich werdende Beginn eines komplett neuen Stils. In diesem Bodhisattva wird dieser neue Stil sichtbar, der sich in der kurzen Zeit der Östlichen Wei-Dynastie (534-550 n.Chr.) entwickelte.The Liangshu (history of the Liang), compiled in the decades immediately following the fall of the Northern Qi dynasty in 577, includes a description of Middle Tianzhu (Gupta India) and a record of a trade mission from the Indian state in the early sixth century" (James C.Y.Watt, Art and History in China from the Third to the Eighth Century, in: James C.Y.Watt, China - Dawn of a Golden Age, 200-750 AD, New York 2004, p.34). Höhe 39cm, Breite 15,5cm, Tiefe 8,5cm. Zustand A/B. Provenance:-Deutsche Privatsammlung, seit 1970er.-Art Loss Register Certificate ref. S00092562.Vergleiche:-In der Sammlung des Musee Guimet in Paris befindet sich ein ähnliche, komplette Figur. Erläuterungen zum KatalogAsiatika - Chinesisches Kunsthandwerk 6. Jahrhundert Buddhistische Kunst Skulptur ChinaBUST OF A BODHISATTVA China. Eastern Wei dynasty. 6th c.Dense, light grey limestone. Height 29 cm, width 15,5cm, depth 8,5cm.The Bodhisattva is compassionately leaning forward towards the viewer. Carved from a dense, light grey limestone, the sculpture wears a four-lobed petal-shaped crown on his beautifully coiffed hair. The Bodisattva is dressed in a thick, pleaded robe over a thinner under garment, and adorned with long and heavy beaded necklace. His face has a fine, serene expression. This sublime and masterfully carved bust of a Boddhisattva can stylistically be associated with the important archaeological discovery in 1996 of a large group of Buddhist stone sculptures in Qingzhou, Shandong province. "The find was at the site of the ancient Longxing Temple, where some four hundred Buddhist images in stone were found smashed and buried in a large pit. (...)"What is striking about the Qingzhou sculptures, in addition to their artistic qualities, is both their stylistic affinity to Gupta period (ca. 300 - ca. 500) prototypes, and the beginning of entirely independent styles. This beautifully carved torso of a Bodhisattva is a superb example for the development of a new style commenced in the Eastern Wei dynasty which lasted only for a brief period from 534 to 550 AD.The Liangshu (history of the Liang), compiled in the decades immediately following the fall of the Northern Qi dynasty in 577, includes a description of Middle Tianzhu (Gupta India) and a record of a trade mission from the Indian state in the early sixth century" (James C.Y.Watt, Art and History in China from the Third to the Eighth Century, in: James C.Y.Watt, China - Dawn of a Golden Age, 200-750 AD, New York 2004, p.34).Provenance:-Private Collection Germany (since 1970s).-Art Loss Register Certificate ref. S00092562.Compare:-A stylistically similar, complete Bodhisattva is in the Musée Guimet, Paris.Explanations to the CatalogueAsian Art - Chinese Applied Arts 6th century Buddhist art Sculpture China





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