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LOT 847 QU LEILEI (BORN 1951) Wu

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Chinese Paintings Online 20th century and Beyond!





Translation provided by Youdao



QU LEILEI (BORN 1951) WuQU LEILEI (BORN 1951)WuInk on colored paper, loosely mounted and framed, with seventeen artist's seals. 29 1/2 x 17in (75 x 43.2cm)曲磊磊(生於1951年) 無 設色拼貼紙本 木框 款識:無江雨霏霏江草齊,六朝如夢鳥空啼。無情最是臺城柳,依舊煙籠十里堤。韋莊詩。整個歷史都在沉默中凝固。道家說,歷史是一場夢;是非成敗,有無之中,榮辱貴賤,過眼煙雲,超然方可長生久視。佛家說,一切皆空,唯來世乃真極樂;塵世滄桑,苦海無邊,認命忍耐,回頭是岸。儒家說,歷史是秩序,要克己復禮,君君臣臣父父子子,正心誠意,治國平天下。毛澤東說,歷史是階級鬥爭,一些階級消滅另一些階級。公婆都有理。折戟沉沙鐵未銷,自將磨洗認前朝。東風不與周郎便,銅雀春深鎖二喬。杜牧赤壁詩一首,天意心。鈐印:雁北飛、不恐無人識、磊磊之印、肖形印、閒雲、野風、暢神、曲、磊磊畫印、天問、水天、有雨兼風、東西南北、今日荷開、平生一片心等十七枚Provenance:Asian Contemporary Gallery, London來源:倫敦Asian Contemporary GalleryThis calligraphic collage reflects the artist's understanding of history and culture. The two Tang dynasty poems inscribed in seal script ponder the vicissitude of history. The one on top, Taicheng, by Wei Zhuang (836-910) laments the illusive prosperity of Nanjing, the ancient capital of six dynasties, while the one at the bottom, The Red Cliff, by Du Mu (803-852) contemplates the history's contingency. The centerpiece of this work features a single character wu (nothingness) in cursive script, against a background of bamboo slips with an elaborate inscription in clerical script explaining the "nothingness" of history from the perspectives of Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Maoism. In addition to the bamboo slips, the entire work resembles a hanging scroll from a prominent collection with seventeen "collector's" seals stamped along its four sides and joints. Born in an intellectual family in Heilongjiang in 1951, Qu Lei Lei is an innovative international artist based in London. He studied painting and calligraphy at the age of six with Tan Wancun, a student of Qi Baishi (1864-1957). Qu Leilei started his career as a founding member of the famous avant-garde 'Stars Group' in China, whose development between 1979 and 1980 is an important symbol of the launch of Chinese contemporary art. He left China for England in 1985 and studied in the Royal Academy of Arts under Cecil Collins (1908-1989). His works have been included in the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, the National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo, the National Art Museum of China, The Prince of Wales, Professor Michael Sullivan, etc.



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  • 0 ~ 20,00027.5%
  • 20,001 ~ 700,00026.0%
  • 700,001 ~ 4,500,00020.0%
  • 4,500,001 ~ Unlimitation14.5%

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